August 09, 2023 3 min read

Tea lovers, did you know that the flavor of your favorite cup of tea can change with the seasons? In Nepal, where tea plants flourish, the timing of tea seasons influences the taste and aroma of the leaves that are plucked. Let's explore the fascinating world of Nepalese tea seasons!

The Four Seasons of Nepali Tea

Tea plants in Nepal follow a natural rhythm, producing new leaves in cycles known as "flushes." These flushes occur throughout the year and are categorized into four main seasons: First Flush, Second Flush, Monsoon Flush, and Autumn Flush.

Nepal-Tea-First Flush

First Flush (Spring)

  • Timing: Late February to April
  • Flavor Profile: Light, brisk, floral notes
  • Experience: The arrival of spring brings delicate, fresh, and vibrant tea leaves. The tender leaves harvested during this time yield a light and brisk tea with floral notes. It's a favorite among tea enthusiasts, offering a unique and sought-after experience.

Second Flush (Summer)

  • Timing: May to June
  • Flavor Profile: Fuller-bodied, sweet, fruity, muscatel notes
  • Experience: As summer arrives, the tea leaves grow more robust and mature. This flush results in a fuller-bodied tea with a sweet and fruity flavor, often featuring muscatel notes. It's a delightful change that warms the senses.

Monsoon Flush (Rainy Season)

  • Timing: July to September
  • Flavor Profile: Darker, robust
  • Experience: The monsoon flush brings a distinct character to Nepalese teas. Abundant rainfall leads to rapid leaf growth, producing teas that are darker and more robust in flavor. Embrace the rainy season's influence on your cup!

Autumn Flush (Fall)

  • Timing: October to November
  • Flavor Profile: Mellow, aromatic
  • Experience: As the weather cools, the autumn flush emerges. While the leaves are less vigorous, they contribute to a mellow and aromatic brew. It's a soothing way to welcome the changing season.

Why Tea from Nepal is Considered the Best

Nepali tea stands out for several reasons, making it a top choice for tea enthusiasts around the world:

  • Unique Terroir: The high altitudes and diverse climates of tea-growing regions like Ilam, Dhankuta, and Jhapa contribute to the unique flavors and aromas of Nepali tea.
  • Handcrafted Quality: Many Nepali tea producers focus on traditional, hand-crafted methods, ensuring the highest quality and authenticity in each cup. Try our Ruby Oolong Tea and Sagarmatha Gold Black Tea to experience this craftsmanship firsthand.
  • Seasonal Varieties: The distinct flushes throughout the year offer a wide range of flavor profiles, from light and floral to robust and full-bodied.
  • Sustainable Practices: Many tea estates in Nepal prioritize sustainable farming practices, supporting both the environment and local communities.

The Influence of Regional Climate

The exact timing of these flushes can vary each year due to weather conditions. Factors like elevation and regional climate also play a role. The tea-growing regions of Nepal, such as Ilam, Dhankuta, and Jhapa, each bring their unique touch to the tea-making process. How Terroir Elevates Nepali Tea Flavor and Quality blog explores this aspect in more detail, showcasing how the unique terroir contributes to the exceptional quality of Nepali tea.


Nepalese tea seasons are a journey through flavors. Each flush tells a story of the changing seasons and the care that goes into crafting the perfect cup. Whether you're sipping a delicate spring brew or indulging in a robust monsoon tea, the magic of Nepal's tea seasons awaits in every sip. Explore the exquisite world of Nepali tea and discover why it's considered some of the best in the world.

Embrace the rich history, unique flavors, and sustainable practices of Nepali tea traders. Start your journey with Nepal tea today and savor the exceptional quality that each season brings.

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